Wednesday, August 20, 2014

all Prophets were Muslim

basic things that's some muslim sendiri kadang tak faham...

"If somebody occupied anything, it will always be somebody else, not the Muslims. There’s no Islamic occupation, there’s only Islamic liberation."

we will (again) liberate the holy land. victory is promised.


  1. pemahaman masyarakat melayu islam terhadap kepentingan Baitulmuqqadis aku boleh rasa makin kurang makin kurang.
    Waktu aku budak2 sekolah rendah dulu, pemahaman terhadap isu Qadiani, baitulmuqqadis dan apa2 je la isu, ni semua macam dah diterap oleh orang2 tua...

    maybe I should start it at home first? hahahah.. siot je aku nak cakap pasal ni semua.
